Artist Spotlight: Vile Consumption

A couple of years ago at HorrorHound Indy, my brother in-law found this booth with some really great poster prints for sale.  Somehow I missed out, but we found him again at Days of the Dead Indy in 2017 and HorrorHound in September.

This is Cory, the man behind Vile Consumption and his awesome recreations of old super hero comic books into iconic horror movie monster comic covers.  These are great!

THE HORROR SYNDICATE: You do all kinds of work, not strictly horror, what brings you back to do horror work?
Cory Holliday: I love many different genres, the superhero/comic book fan art has exploded in the past few years and that’s where I started. I wanted to expand my range but i still appeal to the comic crowd. So that’s where the mashup art started.
THS: What materials do you use and what is the process?
CH: I try to pencil and ink just as original comic art was made 50 years ago, it gives it that retro feel. Then I use photoshop for the digital colors and to grunge it up. I like the worn feel to it .
THS: What other work have you done that is not Horror related?
CH: Comic art mostly. I also use acrylic paint to do abstract stuff just to change up mediums
THS: Who are some of your influences or favorite artists?
CH: I’m a 90s kid so the more lines the better!  So of course Jim Lee, angel Medina, and Greg Capullo.   Robson Rocha and Brad Walker are the 2 best comic artists working today. Watching Alex Pardee in the last 10 years show how “monster” art can be considered fine art has really inspired me.
THS: If someone wants something special, do you typically take submissions and what kind of price range are you usually asking, for like a pin-up?
CH: I try to keep it affordable it all depends on what people are looking for prices usually start around 150. I do sketches for 30-50
THS: What is your favorite Horror movie or movies?
CH: Anything john carpenter. I’m real heavy on Labyrinth, you cant go wrong with tangerine dream on the soundtrack!
THS: Are you going to be at any horror conventions 2018?
CH: Horrorhound and Days of the Dead Indy this weekend and hopefully more to come!
THS: Do you have anything in the pipeline you can tell us about?
CH: My enamel pin series “murder comics” is continuing with volume 3 Michael Myers and volume 4 will be revealed soon!
THS: Is there any way someone could order a print of your work?
THS: Where can people find you, social media…facebook, Twitter, Instagram.
Make sure you go follow all of Vile Consumption’s socials and check out more of the awesome art work.  I have gotten the chance to know Cory a little since meeting him last year at Days of the Dead, he is a great dude and you should support what he is doing.
Thanks Cory for answering some of our questions and can’t wait to see you at Days of the Dead this weekend!
About Ray Marek III 699 Articles
I have been watching horror films since I was 6 years old. The story, one Saturday night, my mom and I were watching movies and she fell asleep on the couch. We had the channel set on HBO and the movie we were watching ended and the next one, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge. This was some time in 1986. I watched then entire film, I was sitting on the edge of my seat. When my mom woke, she asked me what just ended and I told her, “Freddy”. That was all I talked about for weeks and finally she broke down and rented more horror films for me. She rented, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre part 2, Re-Animator, Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives and Halloween II. I watched all and fell in love with horror films forever. 5 Horror Films to Watch Inferno (1980) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) The Beyond (1981) Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives (1986) Horror of Dracula (1958)