Ho ho ho! It was the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring and set for the bloody rampage that was about to occur. Santa murders his way through victim by victim in director Todd Nune’s Christmas slasher, All Through The House. The movie takes off with blood and death and penis castration only to be followed by the actual plot. All through the house is the story where Rachel Kimmel (Ashley Marie Nunes)returns home for the holidays to see her grandmother and friends including an old flame name Cody.
All Through the House never failed to impress me with its kills, it’s dialogue and the inevitable game of cat and mouse with the surprise twist ending. All Through the House is one of best slashers of the year. All Through The House won best editing at the R I P Film Festival on Halloween night 2015. Loosely, the movie was based off of a short movie called Here Comes Santa it was also featuring Ashley Mary Nunes and Melinda Kiring. Director Todd Nunes won best director at the Hard-Core Horror Film Festival. All Through the House was released on DVD in United Kingdom as a Nightmare Christmas not to be confused with the Nightmare before Christmas.
For being such a low-budget movie All Through the House really had a great cast everyone seem to be on top of their A game. One of the particular things that is hard to come by with making such a low-budget movie especially a horror movie is the actors choices that they make as their characters. A lot of movies in this Horror business seems lack of talent when it comes to delivering lines or just overall playing the character. I felt that Todd Nunes did a great job with directing his cast through this feature. This movie is extremely violent there is plenty of blood plenty of Gore in this jingle of a holiday movie. This movie DID NOT remind me of Silent Night Deadly Night as it seems to be one of the issues when watching this movie is a lot of people keep comparing the two movies together and that isNOT the case here. All through the House is A movie all in its own with its own narrative. Not every movie about Halloween should be compared to the John Carpenter’s classic
Halloween just like all through the house should not be compared to Silent Night Deadly Night. There are plenty of Christmas horror movies out there to each its own, one of my favorites being Santa’s Slay starring Bill Goldberg, it was a nice blend of Comedy and horror. Another one of my favorite Christmas movies of all time is Krampus. To compare All Through the House as a generic slasher it’s unfair when it comes to this case this movie is bloody it’s a violent it
doesn’t hold anything back we even have castrations which you don’t find it in your average holiday slasher movie. The director, Todd Nunes took risks with making this movie and I encourage anyone who is interested to check out all through the house this season and I believe it deserves it’s own place in every DVD collector’s collection.