
I Am a Hero (2015): Fresh Meat #28

January 29, 2025 RetRo(n)

I have expanded my Fresh Meat articles to include films of the past 10 years, since they could be considered relatively “new.” And this one just happens to be in my favorite genre: zombies! I […]

Horror Lists

Rayzor’s Top 10 Films Preview

July 28, 2022 Ray Marek III

The Horror Syndicate has been around for over six years. I realize in the life of the internet that isn’t very long. But over the course of those years, especially early, I wrote nearly six […]


The Italian Zombie Series Quagmire

January 12, 2020 Ray Marek III

In 1978, George A. Romero’s Dawn of the Dead was released, with an Italian or European Cut was cut by filmmaker Dario Argento and more music from Goblin.  The Argento cut also has scenes not […]

31 Days of Horror

31 Days of Horror: ZOMBIE

October 3, 2019 Ray Marek III

Here we go with day 3!   Lucio Fulci’s Zombie.  This is one of the best, just watch the video. Let us know what you think.  Don’t forget to subscribe to our Youtube channel for every single episode […]


Review: Overlord (2018)

November 14, 2018 Chuck Ransford

Over 60 years after the fact, there is no shortage of entertainment based on World War 2. This unfortunate period of world history is explored in nearly all forms of media, including films, television, comic […]

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