Video: ‘Friday the 13th’ Franchise Ranked!

40 Years. 12 Films. Millions of Fans. Billions of different opinions.

The ‘Friday the 13th’ franchise is one of horror’s most popular and celebrated in horror history, and one that defined the entire genre for well over a decade. The series has seen its share of highs and lows, but if you ask me, there are more good films in the series than bad.

Below is MY personal ranking of all 12 films in the franchise.

How do you rank them? Head on over to our YouTube channel and let us know in the comments on this video!



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About Seth T. Miller 93 Articles
I am first and foremost a proud father of two daughters who may or may not be possessed by demonic entities/deadites -- time will tell on that one, but I am pretty confident that one of them translated the Necronomicon. I enjoy short walks to my movie collection, reading in goddamn piece and quiet, and watching the same movies and tv series over and over instead of discovering new stuff.