Early last year I watched Kevin Smith’s Tusk on Netflix, and I’m honestly still not sure how I feel about it. Although the movie as a whole wasn’t my exact cup of tea, I did enjoy Harley Quinn Smith, and Lily-Rose Depp’s appearances in the film as two best friend convenience store clerks, both named Colleen, and was happy to hear they would be returning in his next movie. That next movie being another horror comedy, this time called Yoga Hosers, and about the two girls fighting evil with yoga…obviously. When the trailer was finally released for Yoga Hosers, I became even more excited for the film, but also a little nervous because it looked like it was going one hell of a weird movie, with the villains of the film being little nazi, sausage men, or “bratzis”.
I continued to look forward to seeing the film, until reviews of it started to come out. Reviews for Yoga Hosers have been overwhelmingly negative, which caused my worries I had towards it to begin to outweigh my excitement to see it. Now, I found myself being very apprehensive about watching it because I didn’t want it to be the disappointment that everyone said it was. Well, I finally watched Yoga Hosers last night, and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn’t as amazing as I had originally hoped, but it is definitely not as horrible as critics made it out to be. I think it goes without question that I loved Harley Quinn Smith, and Lily Rose Depp’s performances. I also particularly enjoyed the opening scene with the girls playing in their band, as well as the scenes, and little subplot with Tyler Posey, and Austin Butler, who’s characters remind me just a tiny bit of Loki, and Bartleby from Dogma. Overall, I did enjoy Yoga Hosers, and didn’t question the time I spent watching the movie like I did with Tusk. It seems that the majority of people who have seen both Yoga Hosers, and Tusk, have the exact opposite opinion as me, and prefer the latter. I can see where people’s dislike for the film comes from, and understand points that they have made, but I, clearly, don’t agree with them. I think a lot of times people ruin films for themselves because of their expectations. With Yoga Hosers it seems like people expected it to be more like it’s predecessor Tusk, or maybe more like Clerks, when really it’s more of a combination of the two. I mean, it’s a movie about a couple convenience store clerks that are called into work on their day off. They even abandon their station to partake in their hobbies of choice ,AND Harley Quinn Smith utters the line, “I’m not even supposed to be here!”… then mix in the crazy, weird, extremely fictional villains from Tusk, and you get Yoga Hosers. Yet, somehow I feel like the haters of this film would still not agree with that statement. A point brought up time, and time again by Kevin Smith is that he made Yoga Hosers for younger girls, and seeing as how I am closer to that target audience than probably any other reviewer of the film, maybe that’s why I actually enjoyed it. In the end, I think Kevin Smith accomplished what he was trying to with this movie, which really wasn’t much, and everyone else seems to forget that; that he wasn’t setting out to make an award winning film, or even this year’s The Final Girls (which does have a similar theme regarding Girl Power, but was also a story that was written in a more cohesive manner), he was just trying to make a crazy, fun movie, mainly for himself, but also for twelve year old girls to enjoy. Critics seem to think that they won’t, however, coming from someone who actually was a twelve year old girl, I think they will, and will be anticipating the Colleens return in Smith’s next film, Moose Jaws.
If you decide you want to give Yoga Hosers a shot, you can head on over to Netflix to watch it now! I also recommend watching Kevin Smith read reviews of his film, in the video below, which will give you more insight on his vision for the film, and other people’s opinions of it.
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