Video: The Howling Franchise Ranked!

In July of 2019 I had published an article here on The Horror Syndicate where I ranked all Eight films in The Howling franchise. Now, a year later, I am back to my love for this particular set of films, but this time with a video for The Horror Syndicate’s YouTube channel. I don’t go as deep into these films as I did with the written article, for the sake of length, and for the sake of not just reading that article on camera; instead, this is a simple ranking with some raw, in-the-moment, thoughts on each movie.


You can view the video here:


And you can find the written article here:

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About Seth T. Miller 93 Articles
I am first and foremost a proud father of two daughters who may or may not be possessed by demonic entities/deadites -- time will tell on that one, but I am pretty confident that one of them translated the Necronomicon. I enjoy short walks to my movie collection, reading in goddamn piece and quiet, and watching the same movies and tv series over and over instead of discovering new stuff.