Zombi Dawn of the Dead 4K blu Ray release Novemeber 17th


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Hitting online stores this November 17th, Italian only release, Dario Argento’s Zombie (Dawn of the Dead) produced by Drive’s Nicolas Winding Refn. The package will come complete with Zombie (European cut with Goblin OST 4K) Dawn of the Dead (theatrical and extended) and of course Zombie (on Blu ray) interviews include Tom Savini, Nicolas Winding Refn, George A Romero and many more. Sale begins November 17th and you can purchase your copy (if you can read Italian and have a region B 4K, Blu Ray player). This is a must have for all horror collectors. image

No announcement for US release but we will update as soon as we find out!

About Bryan Enright 90 Articles
A father, husband, actor, writer, and most of all a film guru. Director of the short movie Cuddlez. Favorite music is Synthwave My all time favorite movies are Demons, Suspiria, Monster Squad, Night of the Creeps and Predator 2. You can like my Cuddlez movie page at Facebook.com/cuddlezthemovie And you can follow me at Twitter.com/bryanenright