
DOA Review: 12/12/12

April 24, 2017 Baron Craze

Covered In the heavy undergrowth in the grounds now known as the DOA Reviews, with your grave-keeper I, Baron, we discovered a rarity, a Blu-ray release from the maestros of low-budget horror The Asylum films, […]

Horror News

Trailer: Red Eye (2017)

April 18, 2017 Ray Marek III

Deranged Minds Entertainment is excited to share the new official trailer and exclusive stills from their upcoming feature length slasher film, “Red Eye,” which is jammed packed with even more blood, screams, and action! Do […]


DOA Review: Sorority House Vampires (1998)

April 18, 2017 Baron Craze

A struggle with these movies, staying seated the entire time, and never fast forward through them, rather enduring the mental anguish and visual tortures know that aspiring filmmakers struggle to make quality productions while these […]

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