Contracted (2013) – A Review

This 2013, American horror, thriller, drama film was released on August 24. It was written and directed by Eric England. The entire movie lasts 78 minutes and stars Najarra Townsend (Samantha), Caroline Williams (Sam’s mom), Alice Macdonald (Alice), Katie Stegeman (Nikki), Matt Mercer (Riley), Charley ,Koontz (Zain), Simon Barrett (BJ), and Ruben Pla (Doctor).

If JAWS was the film that made people never want to go into the water again, CONTRACTED is the one that will make them think twice before having sex.” -James Shotwell (Under the gun review)

This intriguing movie shadows the life of a young troubled Samantha as she tries to get her life back together. Her attempts are short lived, however as she begins to experience some pretty strange symptoms after a one-night stand that is later revealed to be a rape. As the movie progresses so too does her symptoms which all culminate into the ending of the movie.

This movie mind you is not the best quality movie I’ve ever watched, but considering it was a low budget movie, and the brilliantly original story line, I find it a good watch. Mind you it is not without its faults, like the mistakes made when it comes to the smaller details of the movie like the camera positioning for the great reveal for maximum impact, and the consistency of the left or the right body part being affected. All in all this makes for a really good movie. One which I can’t wait to see the part 2 of….. but then contracted: phase two came out and I was sadly disappointed but that’s a story for another day…

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About Robert (Buddy Horror) Smith 21 Articles
No. It's not that Robert W. Smith... I'm not the lead singer of the Cure. I am however, a fan of the Cure... Let's begin. I was born in Virginia and raised in New Jersey. I am happily married to my wife Kiersten Smith and a father of one to my handsome boy Asher Grayson Smith. Yes! His first name is because of the one and only Bruce Campbell most famously known from Sam Rami's "The Evil Dead" I started late in the horror game but I became a fast learner. I didn't watch my first horror movie till I was 10.. (The Haunted Mansion in Disney scared the hell out of me when I was a kid). It took 4 years until my dad was able to get me to watch The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (original). From that moment I was hooked. Over the years I have hosted a radio show called B Movies with Buddy, Bryan, and Zach with Bryan Enright and Zach Horiates on WNJC 1360AM. Together we have over 200 hours of interviews of some of the best interviews from Bill Mosley (House of 1000 Corpses / Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2) to John Russo (Co Director of Night of the Living Dead / My Uncle John's a Zombie) It was probably some of the best times of my time in the scene. I love collecting horror movies with a collection of over 300 and counting it is one of my most prized possessions. I love collecting full series of a movies sequels. Even if some of them aren't the best. Follow me @buddyhorror on Twitter for random horror goodness and more from The Horror Syndicate! Top 5 Movies 1. The Evil Dead 2. A Nightmare on Elm Street (Robert Englund Original) 3.House of 1000 Corpses 4.Dawn of the Dead (Remake) 5.Scream 4