This 2013, American horror, thriller, drama film was released on August 24. It was written and directed by Eric England. The entire movie lasts 78 minutes and stars Najarra Townsend (Samantha), Caroline Williams (Sam’s mom), Alice Macdonald (Alice), Katie Stegeman (Nikki), Matt Mercer (Riley), Charley ,Koontz (Zain), Simon Barrett (BJ), and Ruben Pla (Doctor).
This movie mind you is not the best quality movie I’ve ever watched, but considering it was a low budget movie, and the brilliantly original story line, I find it a good watch. Mind you it is not without its faults, like the mistakes made when it comes to the smaller details of the movie like the camera positioning for the great reveal for maximum impact, and the consistency of the left or the right body part being affected. All in all this makes for a really good movie. One which I can’t wait to see the part 2 of….. but then contracted: phase two came out and I was sadly disappointed but that’s a story for another day…
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