It seems like there are so many Friday the 13th fan films coming these days. With a rabid fan base that wants a brand new studio produced film, this is a good thing. Never Hike Alone is leading the charge, but Jason Rising is the newest. Now they are giving us the oppertunity to help them fund the project while giving out some great perks.
Check it out here on their Indiegogo.
Jason Rising follows Wessex County police officer Pete Daltry along with two local bounty hunters, Jed and Bear. hot on the trail of three escapees from the Wessex County Corrections Farm. Soon after realizing their chase has led them onto the cursed grounds of Camp Crystal Lake, Daltry and his men quickly discover they are the ones being hunted.
A fan film dedicated to Friday the 13th, Jason Rising follows Wessex County Police Officer, Pete Daltry (Kyle Vahan) along with two local bounty hunters, Jed (Jason Reynolds) and Bear (Jerry Bell Jr.). hot on the trail of three escapees from the Wessex County Corrections Farm. Soon after realizing their chase has led them onto the cursed grounds of Camp Crystal Lake, Daltry and his men quickly discover they are the ones being hunted by the undead, mass-murderer, Jason Voorhees (Dan Kyle).
Check it out, back the project on Indiegogo and go check out their Facebook page for updates!
Direct Link…https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/jason-rising-a-friday-the-13th-fan-film–3/x/14127048?fbclid=IwAR2gPEGw-ARcK_dfp-mocrehCuGCTePPxDjHIqU7wYgWVH0aSvW2N5nBFDo#/