Blumhouse Considering Reboots of Scream and Hellraiser

Is there any question, Blumhouse has positioned themselves as the biggest and leading horror production company.  Love them or hate them, since 2009 and the release of the original Paranormal Activity, they have made horror films, some small and some large.  But you cannot  deny how big they have become.  Aquiring the rights to release a sequel to Halloween kind of gave a lot of fan hopes that maybe one day, we would see the likes of Jason and Freddy under the Blumhouse banner.  But, for now, maybe we can settle for Pinhead and Ghostface.

Jason Blum did a Q & A on Twitter a few months back and he isn’t shy about what he wants.  But recently he said.


This is about Hellraiser and Scream reboots.  I have some thoughts on both series.  While I do love Scream and its sequels, they are not as dear to me as Hellraiser.  So I will break this up and talk about each series.  Since, both are kind of dead.  I mean, sure Hellraiser had a new movie in 2018, but it wasn’t great and it was to keep the rights with Dimension.  Scream, as recently as 2016 had a television show with MTV, which wasn’t bad.

Scream was the horror series that revived the genre in the mid-1990s.  It was so good and we got three sequels over the course of 15 years.  Then in 2015, MTV launched a show, but it was not a reboot, it was its own thing.  It was smart and different enough from the films to stand on its own.  I liked it.

I don’t think Scream should be rebooted at all, ever.  In the Scream series, we have seen many killers, the only constant, was the potential victim, Sidney.  So, with it being nearly 25 years since the attacks, why not have a new movie exsist within the same universe.  We don’t even, ever need to see anyone from the old series.  Make it a copycat somewhere else in the country.  Why not?  They can mention the events of the other movies and just no reboot the series.  This was something I think the 2016 Ghostbusters film should have done.  I mean, the 2018 Halloween is a sequel to a film from 1978.  So why can’t the new Scream be a spin-off series, rather than reboot the series.  Blumhouse, fans are sick and tired of reboots.  Make it exist in the same world as Sidney’s movies, please.  But…as sick of reboots fans may be…Hellraiser is a different animal.

Hellraiser has 10 films now, since 1987.  There is no clear continuity and most of the films are a one off, which is fine.  Even if most of the movies are not good.  The first four Hellraiser movies do show some continuity, the first three connect 100%, while the fourth does, but only due to a building.  So, rebooting Hellraiser may be ok.  Even if, you really don’t need to.  Pinhead and the Cenobites change over time and the series should just follow the box, the Lament Configuration.

The creator, Clive Barker himself spoke about rebooting the series, with Doug Bradley playing Pinhead a few years ago.  So, Blumhouse, job 1, hire Clive Barker to write the script and maybe let him be a big part of the production, if he wishes.  Job 2, hire the right man to play Pinhead.  Doug Bradley, as we have seen in two films, is hard to replace, yes.  But, it can happen and I know there has to be someone who can recreate the lead Cenobite.  I think casting Hellraiser alum would be awesome, Doug Bradley, but mostly, Kirsty, Ashley Laurence, maybe in the role of Julia.

There is a way to continue the series from Judgement.  Bring Kirsty back as the female lead Cenobite, the female Pinhead.  Add elements from some of the comics and bring in Harry D’Amour from Lord of Illusions.  I think that may be a stretch.

But really what Blumhouse should do, acquire as much of Clive Barker’s catalog and produce things like a Candyman remake, led by Jordan Peele.  Please remake Lord of Illusions, even if it doesn’t need remade…but keep it in the same universe as their remake of Hellraiser.  Then, finally…remake Nightbreed, yes, I said it, but call it “Cabal”.  I may be crazy and talking out of my ass here, but even Midnight Meat Train should be redone, and done right.  Clive Barker’s stories need to be handled with more respect if they are remade or rebooted.

To the reboot haters, we will always have the original Hellraiser film, along with Nightbreed and my beloved Candyman.  I think these films would be respected and handled with care by Blumhouse.  Halloween 2018 wasn’t great, but it was damn good and really showed me that Blumhouse takes good care of one of the most beloved horror franchises ever.  Sure, some were pissed, some didn’t like the movie and I do prefer the 1981 sequel, but Halloween 2018 was the best Halloween movie in 30 years.

So, if Blumhouse gets their hands on Hellraiser and Scream…I will be happy.  I think it is the right thing to have happen to these two franchises and hopefully…cough, two more will follow.  Imagine, Michael Myers, Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Ghostface and Pinhead, all under one roof.  That could be amazing…or it could be the death of us all.

Here are the trailers for Scream and Hellraiser.

About Ray Marek III 699 Articles
I have been watching horror films since I was 6 years old. The story, one Saturday night, my mom and I were watching movies and she fell asleep on the couch. We had the channel set on HBO and the movie we were watching ended and the next one, A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy’s Revenge. This was some time in 1986. I watched then entire film, I was sitting on the edge of my seat. When my mom woke, she asked me what just ended and I told her, “Freddy”. That was all I talked about for weeks and finally she broke down and rented more horror films for me. She rented, the Texas Chainsaw Massacre part 2, Re-Animator, Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives and Halloween II. I watched all and fell in love with horror films forever. 5 Horror Films to Watch Inferno (1980) A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) The Beyond (1981) Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives (1986) Horror of Dracula (1958)