Yes, we do reviews of new movies. Why do you ask?
I wasn’t sure if I wanted to review Nope, but it did take me a week to see the film and of course waiting after hearing of it’s pending release. I’ve grown very fond of Jordan Peele’s films, whether he is in the Director’s chair or producing. I think he is really on to something with his films and developing his own signature style of film, like John Carpenter, but not similar to Carpenter. You can generally tell you’re watching a John Carpenter film and I think we can say the same with with a Jordan Peele film.
Going into the movie, I had already established being a fan. Get Out (2017) and Us (2019) being two of the best horror films of the 2010s and for me personally, I loved US. Both movies were fresh with common horror themes, well directed and acted. Really, these are a bit underrated because so many people trash them for some reason. But, if you’ve missed either, fix that. So, I’ve been excited about Nope and the trailers had me curious.
“Two siblings running a horse ranch in California discover something wonderful and sinister in the skies above, while the owner of an adjacent theme park tries to profit from the mysterious, otherworldly phenomenon.”
First I want to mention the appearance of David Keith. He is a beloved actor of mine since I saw him in “Men At Work”. Yeah Emilio Estevez and Charlie Sheen as garbage men. But also, Nope is a movie about, well to kind of spoil it a little..ALIENS! David Keith is well known in the horror world for being in, yes two of John Carpenter’s movies about aliens, 1982′ the Thing and 1988’s They Live. So, it was cool to see him in Nope.
The film itself is directed really well and is very good. I really enjoyed the differences between the characters of OJ (Daniel Kaluuya) and Em (Kiki Palmer), a very low energy vs high energy. Nope has some very interesting visuals and I liked the way the alien was presented. The design and even temperament was different from what we’ve seen before. The setting was odd, but made sense. I really liked their motivation of capturing the alien for money. A kind of get rich quick scheme. Very cool.
Nope is a good movie and worth seeing theatrically before it’s gone. So go do that.
IMDB.com has a rating of 7.5
I have about the same rating, 7.4. I will say this is lesser than US and Get Out, but still very good.
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