The Horror Syndicate Live Ep 12 Vampires!

Catch up with the latest episode of THS Live

With us this week, Bryan Enright @TheHorrorJew, Baron Craze @Baron_Craze, Jared Letourneau @Zombi_surviorMorgan Jewel Sawan @Morgan_Jewel_S, Ray Cannella @RayzillaNJ and the creator of the Horror Syndicate Ray Marek @Rayzor_33.  Follow on Podbean and Subscribe on YouTube, not to mention follow all of the Horror Syndicate on Twitter and Facebook.

About Bryan Enright 90 Articles
A father, husband, actor, writer, and most of all a film guru. Director of the short movie Cuddlez. Favorite music is Synthwave My all time favorite movies are Demons, Suspiria, Monster Squad, Night of the Creeps and Predator 2. You can like my Cuddlez movie page at And you can follow me at