![mass 5_1](https://i0.wp.com/thehorrorsyndicate.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/mass-5_1.jpg?resize=678%2C381)
Meet the people behind the films
Corpse Pose :
Executive producer and starring Sarah Misch
Director of photography and starring Justin Rogers
John Noel is the other actor in this film.
Written by Raag Harshavat
I had the pleasure of meeting Sarah and getting to know her a little bit at the screening of her movie .
Sarah started doing film making out of a desire for more control.
As an actor she was under someone else’s control and portraying someone else’s vision and someone else’s story . Film making gave Sarah the opportunity to tell stories and create characters that meant something to her .
I asked Sarah how it felt to be a woman film maker . I hate the fact that I even asked that because it shouldn’t matter if you are a man or a woman but sadly it is still challenging for women . I can relate because I worked for years running nightclubs which is a male dominated field . It’s not easy playing in the all boys club.
Sarah says she feels very empowered and that the production group ( A Film Repertory Group ) is very supportive . However, sometimes certain things can feel frustrating .
A wise girl knows her limits, a smart woman knows she has none – Marilyn Monroe
The first short film Sarah ever starred in was a stage to screen adaptation of an original short play called “ Friday Night “. It’s about two miserable people having an affair .
I asked Sarah if her personal experiences influenced the Corpse Pose and she answered very openly and honestly.
In Sarah’s words :
“My personal experiences heavily influenced Corpse Pose. My first real relationship was with a guy who was emotionally abusive . While it’s not an exact replica of our relationship, there are little nods to him throughout the film (i.e. he was a musician).
Additionally, I really wanted to make a film that captured what it’s like to be a woman living alone in a big city. A girlfriend of mine once said she’d never want to live alone in NYC because if something happened to her or she didn’t make it home, she’d want someone to notice, and that has always really stuck with me. Because of the omnipresent threat of violence to female bodies that just exists in the world, living alone can be both an act of radical independence and a cause for fear and vulnerability. I hope the film captures the essence of this duality.”
I applaud Sarah for this. Every woman has experienced some type of toxic relationship and by Sarah being courageous enough to touch on this subject in such a powerful way is astounding.
Using horror as a platform to get the message across just made it that more impactful.
Sarah’s characters strength beat out the demons in her head and in her apartment .
… but listen closely to the sound of your loneliness like a heartbeat it drives you mad in the stillness of remembering what you had and what you lost – Stevie Nicks
Please support Sarah empowered women empower women
Instagram : @ FRG_NYC
Twitter : @ FRG_NYC
Frank Phillip Anguilar and August Aguilar
August Aguilar is the son of Frank Aguilar. August is the director of “Cindy’s Birthday Party” along with the creator of Strange Films with his father .
August lives in Knoxville, Tennessee currently but was born in Philadelphia.
I had asked them what made them want to do a horror film?
In August’s words “We fell into the horror genre back in 2016 with our first film, “There’s Something Down The Road”, as an attempt to get into the Knoxville Horror Film Festival. After completion, and being accepted into the festival, we got really excited and sort of fell into the genre as we developed the name “Strange Films”, where everything under the name is a little bizarre. Being horror fans ourselves though, we have to admit it’s a lot of fun to think of some twisted ideas. Horror is one of those genres that anybody can escape in and have a great time. It gets the adrenaline going, it raises questions and fear, and provides a scare that can last an impacting memory (whether good or bad). But it’s also very creative; there’s all kinds of horror sub-genres like horror-comedy, grindhouse, campy movies, serious, and more. It’s fun to tell a story in those ranges and test the boundaries, which we hope to continue to do in the future. “
I asked what inspired August and here’s what he said , “A lot of old school horror inspired me mostly on the production and post-production side of things. John Carpenter is a huge inspiration of mine, so the tone of the music, pacing, and weirdness is something I wanted to capture. I did this back with my film, PASSENGER, last year. I really enjoy the 80’s, psychological, and straight up scary. “
I asked August “what’s one thing that you do that makes you unique that no one would know?”
August – “Well what people don’t realize with almost EVERY production we’ve ever had in our films, music videos, events, and more, I am literally a one man band who gets the entire project done. From writing, pre-production, filming, directing, audio, lighting, editing, marketing…you name it, I am the one who does every job in every film except for a couple. This is a challenge on my part and honestly exhausting, but the final result always ends up satisfying and people seem to enjoy it, thinking I had a big crew on my films. It’s only me, and I know someday I’ll have to have a large crew with me, but for now I kind of enjoy it!”
Surround yourself with people who get it.
Great job August and Frank !
Just remember “ success is liking yourself , liking what you do , and liking how you do it “ – Maya Angelou
Please support Frank Anguilar
August Anguilar
Strange Films FB page: https://www.facebook.com/strangefilmsnow/
El Burrito Blog: Filmmakers, Musicians, Artists, and other creators: https://elburritoblog.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AugustAguilar
Twitter : @filmburrito
Insta: @august.aguilar
Only those who attempt the absurb can achieve the impossible- Albert Einstein
Let’s meet the man behind the whole event Loren Lopre.
Loren grew up in Carbondale,Pennsylvania then moved to Philadelphia where he studied at the walnut street theater .
He also used to be MMA fighter and is trained in the martial arts.
Loren is open to all types of genre of movies. His first acting experience was as an extra in a zombie film. He also made a documentary called Pennsylvania Hard Core which is about the history of hard core bands in Pennsylvania.
Loren has a special place in his heart for horror movies so he created his movie The Dark Military, which is part 1 of a trilogy . He wanted to make a movie where he could break the horror cliches and his character in the film demonstrates that perfectly.
It took him 9 months to write part 1. He will be distributing his movie at the upcoming Monster Mania in Cherry Hill, NJ the weekend of August 17-19.
I asked Loren what inspired him to create Freedom Shorts and Liberty Massacre events . He felt that Philadelphia didn’t have a lot of these type of events and since he has access to the Trocadero (a venue in Philadelphia , PA) he decided to go for it and start screening films there .
There are 18 Freedom Short events and 5 Liberty Massacre events to date .
It takes a lot of guts to take an idea and actually make it happen.
I asked Loren what is something about him that is unique and he answered very honestly by saying he doesn’t like to swear.
As someone who uses the F word every other sentence I was shocked . I then asked if he went to catholic school and he said no but he was indeed raised Catholic .
Hmmm I can always tell lol!
He said although he doesn’t like to swear, he is Italian and he isn’t afraid to call someone out !
As a fellow Italian, I can relate to this as well .
It’s because of people like Loren that we as horror fans have these awesome opportunities to help support new art and film projects.
I will be at the Monster Mania event ,along with fellow Horror Syndicate Chuck Ransford and I can not wait to purchase The Dark Military!
The movie is about people doing a live web cast on Halloween and suddenly it turns out to be a real life survival game as people from the rogue military are hunting them down.
Please support Loren actor/director/risk taker
I am so honored that I got to meet these amazing directors and share some details of who they are as people and shine a spotlight on their work .
It is because of people like Loren and the other film makers who are driven with talent and passion that gives us fans a way to escape our lives for a bit and enter their world of imagination .
Keep up the amazing work and please support art and film.
Thank you to my amazing photographer Wilma Abbott.
Until next time hugs and hisses Jenny