Horror Lists

The Omen Franchise Ranked

June 7, 2024 Ray Marek III

Its been a long time since I’ve taken the time to write an article.  It’s mostly because of what Godaddy has done to us, restricting our ranking on Google unless we pay them thousands of […]

Horror Blu Ray/DVD News

Scream Factory: The Omen Collection

June 27, 2019 Ray Marek III

Fucking Scream Factory today!  It’s all for you Scream Factory, our money is all for you!The   **NEW TITLE ANNOUNCEMENT** You may want to say your prayers after this news: THE OMEN BLU-RAY COLLECTION (DELUXE […]

Horror News

The Omen (1976) Turns 40 Today!

June 25, 2016 Jared Letourneau

06/25/1976: Richard Donner’s demonic classic The Omen was released in theaters. The film starred Gregory Peck and raked in almost $61 million at the box office that year. The film went on to spawn 3 […]