So, it is Labor Day weekend and some people are traveling for one last taste of summer. If you think about it, Labor marks the end of the summer and begins the march to Halloween for us horror fans. So this is a list of movies for those who decided to stay at home this weekend, rather than risk…well what happens in some of these movies.
Check out our 10 Travel Horror Movies for a long Labor Day weekend. These are not ranked in any order, so please don’t get upset by the order.
Psycho (1960)
If you haven’t seen Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho, what have you been doing, it has been out for 56 years and is a horror classic. The movie begins with a young woman, stopping for a nights rest at the Bates Motel.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Please, if you are on the road and you see someone stranded, and they look questionable…let them go. Otherwise some serious shit may happen, like what happens to these young people who were traveling across Texas one summer.
Hostel (2005)
Oh, lets go to Europe and stay at as many Hostels we can along the way. Wait, use this movie as a warning of what can happen to an American in Europe looking for sex and drugs.
Wolf Creek (2006)
Want to go back pack through the Australian Outback? May not be the best idea, beware of friendly strangers.
An American Werewolf in London (1981)
Back packing through Europe seems to be the thing to do, well don’t. If you do, stick to the road.
The Human Centipede (2009)
Back packing…probably shouldn’t do it, seems to be pretty dangerous and this may not be the best way to spend a holiday weekend.
Friday the 13th (1980-2009)
Hell, were not going back packing anymore, nope were going to camp…or not.
The Ruins (2008)
You know, what? We should just go explore some ancient Ruins in Mexico, no camps or back packing, just a little holiday weekend exploring.
The Hills Have Eyes (1977 and 2005)
Taking the family across country? Seems safe, everyone together for one last vacation, what could go wrong?
The Descent (2005)
One last ditch effort in having a final summer retreat…lets go cave diving…you know spelunking. Get your old friends together to do something fun and exciting. What could go wrong?
That is a list, we totally understand if you’d rather stay in this holiday weekend. Enjoy the terror on the screen, rather than going on one last road trip to keep summer alive. Just sit back and enjoy some horror movies. Halloween is coming.