
Review: The Babysitter (2017)

November 12, 2017 Morgan Jewel Sawan

Another hit for Netflix, The Babysitter is another original film from the streaming service that doesn’t disappoint. The Babysitter is a horror comedy about a young boy who’s night turns wild when he witnesses his […]

Horror News

Trailer: Little Evil (2017)

August 23, 2017 Morgan Jewel Sawan

Adam Scott (Krampus) will soon grace our screens in another horror comedy, this time produced by Netflix, and from the director of Tucker and Dale vs Evil, called Little Evil. Little Evil revolves around Scott’s […]

Horror News

Horror Millennials

May 10, 2016 Bryan Enright

I know, I know, before you even begin reading the article you’re sitting there saying “screw this guy” but please here me out. As a child born in the 80’s grew up in the 90’s […]


Review: Last Shift (2014)

April 21, 2016 Ray Marek III

So, we may be a little behind.  But what does it matter, horror movie are…forever! If you have not taken the time to watch Last Shift, it is on Netflix.  A few months ago, I […]


Review: The Babadook (2014)

April 20, 2016 Ray Marek III

This movie popped up on my Netflix last year and I thought it was some silly kids movie, then I realized it was in the horror section.  That was what intrigued me with this film.  So […]

Horror Lists

Horror Musts On Netflix

April 20, 2016 Morgan Jewel Sawan

  If you’re anything like me, it’s hard to find horror films that you haven’t seen yet, and you end up liking, on Netflix. The fact that I get on Netflix through my blu-ray player […]

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